My Dragons were….


Penny Attridge                 Investment Director at SPARK

Sanj Kumar                         Senior VP & General Manager, Europe at DiscoveRx

Graeme Daniels                Sales Director at Cytocentrics Bioscience GmbH

Lorenz Mayr                       Vice President & Global Head, Reagents & Assay Development AZ


…. a formidable bunch, the event was perfectly put together by Adrian and compered by Terry both from ELRIG. The presenters before me had had a real rough time from the Dragons and I was standing in the wings awaiting my turn, I was really looking forward to getting out there and pitching our concept of mobile working within labs.


To break the mood I initially gave each of the Dragon’s one of our stress balls, because being a Dragon must have been a stressful role! The pitch was made and to my surprise (and everyone else’s) a question from the audience.


"Have you tried using an iPad with lab gloves on?" They asked.


"Well, no." I responded, but suggested that a stylus or those funky winter gloves they sell would be an option.


Back to the Dragons who looking particular intense were handed the microphone, several good observations later and I was handed back the mike to offer my witty retort. Anyway I didn't win stack loads of cash or critical acclaim, but I did get a very nice solid glass award from ELRIG for participation (more than the hapless contestants on the real Dragons Den get), which now has pride of place in our office.


So I survived, just, it was all done in good spirits and the feedback was spot on, the general observation was exactly the challenge we face.


“How do we get people to WANT to track samples?”




Acknowledgements to:


Jackie Howard                   -ELRIG,

Adrian Kinkaid                   -ELRIG Volunteer

Terry Wood                        -ELRIG,

The Dragons