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Pro-curo Software Ltd

10 Roffye court, Crawley Rd
Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 4DT
United Kingdom
+44 1403 473839

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Pro-curo software Ltd, 2D, mobile devices, RFID, cryostorage, RFID readers, Barcode, laboratory labels, multitube readers, sample tracibility,datamatrix, flatbed readers

About us 

The company....
From Pro-curo Software Ltd’s creation as a standalone company in Jan 2012 our main focus has been on supporting the existing customer base which involves direct contact with its users, this contact is planned to result in the sale of a defined support agreement. The Pro-curo software was originally exclusively resold through Brady Corporation, a major manufacturer of advanced labeling technologies.
We are a supplier of sample inventory and tracking software into the life science markets, with high focus on providing technical support to our users via a telephone help-desk, internet forums and blogs along with other social media feeds. The company is focused on looking after customers and their samples in a way that no other software supplier is offering. 
The driving value of our company is that, software on its own is next to useless. The only way an organisation can gain internal benefits and efficiencies is with the continued support of the software supplier; this support comes in terms of the use of software, but also the wider knowledge of the market demands, conditions and trends
We pride ourselves on our support services which are offered by means of support contracts. Contracts are available in two versions standard and premier each having a list of features that give the appropriate level of support the you need, for example the premier contract involves 24/7 telephone support and onsite fault identification and fix.